mathématiques 2 MP
A problem involving analysis and probabilities, where one find a proof of a version of the Central limit Theorem.
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Concours Centrale Supelec: mathématiques 2 PC
Tue May 16, 2023We end this series of problems for the 2023 PC competitive examination with this interminable subject, which goes off in just about every direction: polynomials, Python programming, integer series, summation of double series and finally probability. In my …
Concours Centrale Supelec: mathématiques 2 PC
Mon May 15, 2023The first part of the answer key for the (very long) maths 2 PC subject. Answers to the Maths 2 test on May 12 in the PC Centrale Supelec 2023 exam: Problem set: …
Concours Centrale Supelec: mathématiques 1 PC
Wed May 10, 2023The subject was quite dense, with many questions (35 compared with, for example, 24 for the Mines-Ponts 1 subject); however, there were many relatively simple questions, or those with a generous indication. The subject focused on the spectral radius of mat…
Concours Mines-Ponts: mathématiques 2 PC
Mon May 08, 2023The subject was Markov chains. A discrete system was modeled, with the number of transitions in the interval \([0,t]\) following a Poisson distribution. Quite a few tricky sum calculations, but the subject seemed a little simpler than the 1st, and in any cas…
Concours Mines-Ponts: mathématiques 1 PC
Tue May 02, 2023The topic was convexity, but involved a lot of algebra with manipulations of positive symmetric matrices. Part 5 was quite interesting, with a mixture of analysis and algebra. We were asked to derive matrix functions, in particular the trace. Perhaps the…
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